lizard108's Activity (201)

  • android3
    android3 added a new comment in
    I don't know what life would be without music or art. I listen to music every day and I love art, so it would be hard to live without music and art. I wonder how music and art started? Everyone in my family likes to listen to music and paint drawings on the weekends and free time. If there were no music and art, we would never have art and music class in school. We would never have heard of famous artists and musicians if there was no music and art.
    Over 11 years ago
  • android3
    android3 added a new comment in
    That would be so cool if you could just hum something and the app knows how to make it into a song. I wonder if the app is free or if it costs money to download it. I sometimes hum tunes but I wonder if it is good enough to be a real song. This can help somebody find out if the tune would really make a good song. I wonder whether the researchers who made the app are musicians. I wonder how they came out with this idea for an app. I think it is good because you might forget the tune you hummed and this would put it into musical notes to remember if you can read music.
    Over 11 years ago
  • android3
    android3liked a comment in App Turns Mindless Humming Into Real  Music.
    What a cool app I wish I would have thought of it. As soon as I am done with homework I am asking my mom to buy me this app. I like how you can hum and it will turn it into music. I wonder how many people use this app? This is a good app for music teachers. This is also a good app for music students.
    Over 11 years ago
  • android3
    android3 added a new comment in
    That would be awesome if I could go in the Candy Cab in NYC. I am sorry for his loss of his son. I think it is awesome that he gives candy free to random citizens that come in his cab. I think the cab plays good music. I bet Khalid is ver very nice since he does this just to make people happy. I wish there was a candy cab in all cities around the world. I am going to New York this summer and I hope I get his cab. I hope he will come out with new sorts of candies. I could eat them all during my cab ride!
    Over 11 years ago
  • spidermaniac
    spidermaniac added a new comment in
    That is a beautiful collage of recycled flip-flops! I wonder how they turn such worn out sandals into colorful works of art? Maybe Julie Church could make works of art out of other things, such as hats or plastic bags or juice pouches. I am very surprised that Julie only makes $150,000 a year. She should make a lot more with these magnificent masterpieces!
    Over 11 years ago
  • lizard108
    lizard108 added a new comment in
    I need to go to New york!!!That taxi cab driver is very very very nice! I feel so SAD that the taxi cab driver, if Zain died I would be devistated.I think the taxi cab driver is very generous. If I went in the candy cab I would pay the driver triple the amount I owed him.I bet the taxi driver has alot of likes on twitter and facebook.
    Over 11 years ago
  • lizard108
    lizard108liked a comment in When In New York, Seek Out The Candy Cab.
    I believe that the taxi driver is really nice and should have lots of followers on Facebook and twitter. I wish I could ride in that taxi. I barely got to eat any candy over Halloween with these silly braces. But I bet those people really need something to wash down that candy so he should start giving soda or maybe even water.
    Over 11 years ago
  • lizard108
    lizard108liked a comment in When In New York, Seek Out The Candy Cab.
    I think that it is very sad that his one-year-old son died. It's a good thing that the taxi driver actually found a way to be happy and think good thoughts and remember that his son should of deserved to live and that his son now rests in peace and will always be in his heart. It's very cool that he buys candy and then gives them away for free. I probably could get a free ride because I love to eat candy and one Halloween, I ate all my candy in about 30 minutes so I could probably eat more than that because I'm older now and I probably can hold more candy in my mouth and I can chew harder because a lot of teeth in my mouth are now grown-up teeth and they won't get wiggly if I eat a lot of candy. I would still want to pay the taxi driver because I want to give him money so that he can recover from his sadness and get some new things that can cheer him up hopefully. Yours Truly, Alyssa =)
    Over 11 years ago
  • skooper
    skooper added a new comment in
    That is very cool .I wonder how long it takes to make one?That is very colorful.What a great idea for recycling.
    Over 11 years ago
  • spidermaniac
    spidermaniac added a new comment in
    One time I went to New York City and went to one giant candy store. It was all Hershey products. I got a giant Kiss. I think I could eat all that candy in the challenge. That man is very generous to give out that much candy in a month.
    Over 11 years ago

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