20skofman's Activity (360)
20charteliked a comment in The Candy Smash (The Lemonade War Series).
It was an amazingly written book with many mysteries. Davies did a wonderful job writing yet again another adventure Jessie and Evan indulge in. It may be an easy read for some readers, but still a great one. I recommend this book for grades 3-5
Over 11 years ago20charte added a book review.
I liked this book. It was realistic fiction. It was a pretty easy read too. I say ages, 9-12. It's about a girl, named Genie. Her mother and grandfather died. She lives with her Father, Grandmother, and brother Ian. When, she starts the year, her best friend Sarah, acts like the new girl, Blair is her best friend. She voted Class Blogger. This book is about her year in 5th grade. In the book there's typical 5th grade girl problems. Friendships, Being Popular, Makeup, Puberty, and other problems. I loved reading about Genie Haddock Kunkle!
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Over 11 years ago