Read & Win Prizes!   How it works...

  1. Join and add your favorite books to your summer reading log
  2. Read books and write as many original reviews as you can
  3. The more reviews you write, the higher your chances of winning

Ten (10) participants who review the most books will be eligible to win a Prize Pack of the seven books shown below. The next twenty-five (25) participants with the most reviews will be eligible to win a $10 Gift Card. For complete details see Term and Conditions and mail in your Consent Form.

Summer Reading Prize Books (7)
  • teagytornado101
    teagytornado101over 4 years
    Happy New School Year everybody! Good luck with school and I wish you the best! Thank you guys so much for making this summer even better! Make sure to join the NAtionl Geographic club so we can all keep talking!
  • sylvie55555
    sylvie55555over 4 years
    did anyone watch the baby sitters club on netflix? I watched it, and now I'm re rereading the books! It's so good!
  • sylvie55555
    sylvie55555over 4 years
    Hey Everyone! I haven't been on in so long since I haven't had good Wifi, but now I'm back! I have a ton of reviews I wrote in my notebook that I will be entering. Just wanted to say hiiiiiiii! lol
    • lolatheute
      lolatheuteover 4 years
      I can't believe summer is almost over!!! Hope you guys stay safe! Join the National Geo kids club if you have not already!!
    • armcginn
      armcginnover 4 years
      Thank You to @abarton050 for recommending When Elephants Fly and The Speed of Falling Objects! I enjoyed both of them- If you want to see my reviews, just check out my page and follow! ;)
      • bookfan2009
        bookfan2009over 4 years
        Hey! So, since SR is almost over and this club will be done, it would be super coool if everyone who hasn;'t joined National Geographic to join it so we can keep talking online! That way we'll all still comment together! Like if you agree!
        • taffywaffy
          taffywaffyover 4 years
          Okay,but how can i join? Unfortunately,I dont know :(
          • bookfan2009
            bookfan2009over 4 years
            I'll tell you! So, press on the word clubs above, then, Nation Geographic will pop up then, on the right it will say someting like " Join book club ", click on that and that's it! Have fun commenting!
          • roxanne3
            roxanne3over 4 years
            Yep!! That'll be fun, I am already part of that club!!
          • darkscarlet
            darkscarletover 4 years
            I already joined the National Geographic, but I think that's a great idea!
        • darkscarlet
          darkscarletover 4 years
          Does anybody have a kindle, like the one's you read with?
          • pizzagirl7
            pizzagirl7over 4 years
            I do !that's what I'm on right now!except I don't read on it
            • bookfan2009
              bookfan2009over 4 years
              I do, but I don't really use it!
              • iceagebaby
                iceagebabyover 4 years
                I do but its black and white so its pretty much useless.
                • beachbreeze16
                  beachbreeze16over 4 years
                  I do, but its pretty old and slow so i don't use it haha
                • blossomreader
                  blossomreaderover 4 years
                  No, but I wish I did!!!
                  • darkscarlet
                    darkscarletover 4 years
                    Well, I have one and it is pretty awesome! I love reading on it, and that's where I read ALL of my book's! It's really great, because mine can allow you to chose the size of the word's, and change the Font! (sorry if I sound like i'm bragging)It can also hold like a whole library in it (meaning you can put like, 1-3 hundred's (maybe not three-hundred, but it probably can hold two-hundred))
                • teagytornado101
                  teagytornado101over 4 years
                  7 more days of this book club!! AHHH! Make sure to join the NAtional Geographic club on DOGO!
                  • bsc
                    bscover 4 years
                    Wow! It's been an interesting summer. See you next year summer reading program. 2021!
                    • lovetoread26
                      lovetoread26over 4 years
                      Wow this has been a great summer! Thanks for making it so awesome guys!
                    • roxanne3
                      roxanne3over 4 years
                      OMG!! I forgot this ended!! Wow the summer reading program went by fast!!
                      • roxanne3
                        roxanne3over 4 years
                        I have 38 reviews, so I probably won't win anything. Congrats to the Top Summer Readers and anyone close to them!!!
                        • bookfan2009
                          bookfan2009over 4 years
                          Thank you!! I have to write 2 more reviews to get back on the top list, but I dodn't feel like it lol XD
                          • 100letters
                            100lettersover 4 years
                            Thanks! It was a big surprise for me when I became a top summer reader!
                      • jojo424
                        jojo424over 4 years
                        I'm Homeschooled and you may not be. So here is a question. And think about it hard. If you had the option to homeschool, would you? Don't say no because you wouldn't have any friends, I have plenty. Don't say no because your parents have full time jobs, I'm asking a big IF here. I actually love homeschooling. I get to learn what I want to learn and can do it at however fast or slow I want to. I have more free time so I can do more of what I want to do. And even though more than half my friends are much much older than me, I still have fun with them! One time my friend asked me why pretty much all my friends are older than me. What that meant to me equaled: If you went to school you would have more friends.... But I enjoy spending time with kids ten years older than me lol. When you become an adult you have to know how to interact with people ten years older than you! What do you think? Do you wanna be homschooled now?
                        • pizzagirl7
                          pizzagirl7over 4 years
                          I'm homeschooled. I like it😁
                          • 4usa
                            4usaover 4 years
                            I'm home schooled to!
                            • beachbreeze16
                              beachbreeze16over 4 years
                              I agree completely! I have been homeschooled my whole life, and i love it!
                              • darkscarlet
                                darkscarletover 4 years
                                Hi jojo424! I homeschool to!
                                • roxanne3
                                  roxanne3over 4 years
                                  I am being homeschooled this year because of the pandemic and all the chaos in my school district. I was not looking forward to it because this is my first year, and I was always that one kid that was like "Yes!! School is starting!!" because you know, I like to be around lots of people, not even just my friends. Thank you sooooo much for all the good things about homeschooling, these will really help me get used to it!! Also I will still be able to talk to my friends on the phone all the time and I have people like you guys on here to talk to. So I think I will do OK!!
                                  • lovetoread26
                                    lovetoread26over 4 years
                                    Wow, I’ve never thought about that! You know, I might because some of my friends live right down the road from me and also I can learn whatever at my own pace and schedule.
                                    • darkscarlet
                                      darkscarletover 4 years
                                      You know, I homeschool, and, I LOVE it, I mean, I get to learn whatever I want, and like, even though my parents work, I like teaching myself, and like you said, I can go on my own pace.
                                    • bookfan2009
                                      bookfan2009over 4 years
                                      Hmmm.... I would say home school. I agree with your reasons....
                                    • 100letters
                                      100lettersover 4 years
                                      Hey guys! Did you know that the largest organism on Earth is fungus, and it’s 2,600 acres? More fun facts coming soon! 😀

                                    Summer Reading 2020 has ended!

                                    April 29 - August 18, 2020
                                    Terms and Conditions

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