Love, Stargirl

Love, Stargirl

By Jerry Spinelli

18 ratings 29 reviews 49 followers
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Grades 9 - 12Grades 2 - 8V3.860904

The New York Times bestselling sequel to Newbery Medalist Jerry Spinelliā€™s modern-day classic Stargirl!

Love, Stargirl picks up a year after Stargirl ends and reveals the new life of the beloved character who moved away so suddenly at the end of Stargirl. The novel takes the form of "the world's longest letter," in diary form, going from date to date through a little more than a year's time. In her writing, Stargirl mixes memories of her bittersweet time in Mica, Arizona, with involvements with new people in her life.

In Love, Stargirl, we hear the voice of Stargirl herself as she reflects on time, life, Leo, and - of course - love.


Donā€™t miss Jerry Spinelliā€™s latest novel, The Wardenā€™s Daughter, about another girl who can't help but stand out.
ā€œSpinelli is a poet of the prepubescent. . . . No writer guides his young characters, and his readers, past these pitfalls and challenges and toward their futures with more compassion.ā€ ā€”The New York Times

Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers
Published on 4/28/2009
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 288

Book Reviews (29)

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It was good. Not as good as the first one but I still really liked it. Like most books, it had it's odds and ends, but I recommend it definitely if you've read the first one so you mind if know what happened. it's kind of a cool book. šŸ˜Ž

Lll Lll

Amazing I can read this book all over and over again

YES!!!!! I finished this and it is exactly how I wanted it! If you have not read this, please do. It is such a great book, it is so intriguing. I recommend this for any age really, I read it when I was in 6th grade. Don't read this if you don't want it spoiled, but I am soooo glad that Dandy kissed her. That made me oddly happy!!!

I have read the Stargirl, but not this book, comment if you can tell me what it is about, and is it worth getting.

I am almost done with this, I read the first one and LOVED it. I immediately fell in love with Dootsie and Alivna, though Perry is pretty great too!!

In the book, Love, Stargirl, Stargirl writes letters about her new life since she moved from Arizona to Pennsylvania to Leo, her once and maybe future boyfriend. Stargirl writes about her life and her new neighbors, five year old Dootsie, Betty Lou, who hasnā€™t stepped out of her house in 9 years, hot-tempered Alvina, and Perry Delloplane, who, in his own way, starts to find his way into Stargirlā€™s heart. These characterā€™s lives all twine together in this amazing, powerful sequel to Stargirl.

i thot this book was sad i need to read the third to judge this series it was pretty good but it was also sad

please tell me why you think it is sad. I respectfully disagree. I mean, it is a little, but a kind of happy sad.

prettygirl101 prettygirl101

its a fun book

prettygirl101 prettygirl101

i liked this book

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