Borlen was unlike the other dwarves. Most dwarves are born deep underground, at least a mile below The Surface.They are usually born in a cavern filled with crystals and gems. Diamonds are for strength, emeralds are for wisdom, and sapphires are for truth. Dwarves are usually tried to be fed the most healthy, powerful gems as they can within a few hours of birth to give them the best chance in life. However, Borlen was fed none. As Borlen's parents were traveling downward, there was a collapse, blocking the tunnel. The climb was too much for Borlen's mom, so he was born just a few feet from the surface. As they went down, Borlen was crying until they went back up. His parents assumed his fear of depths would go away when he adjusted, howevr it didn't. It only got worse. This book was interesting and funny. I rate it 5/5, and recommend it to people who enjoy reading fairytails.

Grump: The (Fairly) True Tale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
By Liesl Shurtliff
From the New York Times bestselling author of Rump , comes the true story behind another unlikely hero: a grumpy dwarf who gets tangled up in Snow White's feud with the wicked queen.
Ever since he was a dwarfling, Borlen (nicknamed "Grump") has dreamed of visiting The Surface, so when opportunity knocks, he leaves his cavern home behind.
At first, life aboveground is a dream come true. Queen Elfrieda Veronika Ingrid Lenore (E.V.I.L.) is the best friend Grump always wanted, feeding him all the rubies he can eat and allowing him to rule at her side in exchange for magic and information. But as time goes on, Grump starts to suspect that Queen E.V.I.L. may not be as nice as she seems. . . .
When the queen commands him to carry out a horrible task against her stepdaughter Snow White, Grump is in over his head. He's bound by magic to help the queen, but also to protect Snow White. As if that wasn't stressful enough, the queen keeps bugging him for updates through her magic mirror! He'll have to dig deep to find a way out of this pickle, and that's enough to make any dwarf Grumpy indeed.
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Book Reviews (20)
Borlen was unlike the other dwarves. Most dwarves are born deep underground, at least a mile below The Surface.They are usually born in a cavern filled with crystals and gems. Diamonds are for strength, emeralds are for wisdom, and sapphires are for truth. Dwarves are usually tried to be fed the most healthy, powerful gems as they can within a few hours of birth to give them the best chance in life. However, Borlen was fed none. As Borlen's parents were traveling downward, there was a collapse, blocking the tunnel. The climb was too much for Borlen's mom, so he was born just a few feet from the surface. As they went down, Borlen was crying until they went back up. His parents assumed his fear of depths would go away when he adjusted, howevr it didn't. It only got worse. This book was interesting and funny. I rate it 5/5, and recommend it to people who enjoy reading fairytails.
This is an awesome book about characters in the world of dwarves. Dwarves are usually born underground, but this dwarf was born near the surface. Eventually, he started crying harder and harder as they went down- so they lived near the Surface. He was later named Borlen, and when he grew up, he had one dream- to visit the Surface. Human's were considered dangerous for dwarves, but this dwarf wants to visit them. Later, he gets selected into a "mining team" that mines and looks for minerals. Eventually, they keep mining and they discover that they are very close to the Surface. Borlen makes an excuse the he is going to mine the emerald- and goes out onto the Surface. He meets a nice queen, but later discovers that the queen is evil. The queen's mission is to kill Snow White. He escapes the kingdom and rescues Snow White. At first, his crew is surprised when they see Snow White- a human in their caves (Borlen accidentally let her hide there), Later, they discover she is a nice person. The seven members of the group and Snow White must work together to move the queen out of the way, or is the queen going to defeat them...? I would totally recommend this book and it gives a new perspective on the classic Snow White all in the dwarves point of view.
Its very good and I recommended it to a lot of friends and its really funny and shares a really good life lesson.
Have you ever wondered about the TRUE (well, mostly anyway) story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs? Well, then you've come to the right book! Meet Borlen, aka Grump. He's an odd dwarf, because he was born close to The Surface. That's not normal for the gem-eating dwarfs, because there aren't many valuable gems and minerals up there. Grump is not used to the treacherous depths of dwarfs' mining caverns. And he's always dreamed of going to The Surface and seeing a human!! How cool would that be for a dwarf?! The one risky thing about going to The Surface is that if someone takes a dwarf by the beard, that unlucky dwarf must do their bidding! But Grump doesn't care. He feels like so much of an outcast already, he thought The Surface would be the place where he really felt like home. So, he decides to sneak up to The Surface to see what it was like! Grump quickly befriends Queen E.V.I.L. until she turns on him and Grump meets Snow White! Suddenly, the queen wants to kill Snow with a poison apple because Grump judged Snow fairer than the queen... ringing a bell from the original fairy tale? But what will happen when BOTH the queen AND Snow White take him by the beard? It's a wild ride from there, and Grump becomes more and more puzzled about how to fix the mess he's in... Read this amazing fractured fairy tale for adventure, humor, and more in this fun spin-off of the classic fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs! I recommend this for ages 8+ and rate it 4/5 stars :)
It is so good
you must read it
a must read