Mal is literally my twin, I own this book and it shows you how fun and hard Mal’s life is!! I love how this book is fun,extremely fun,and a great point of view book! So if you love this book, I would recommend adreys diary too!

Mal's Diary
By Disney Book Group
Book Reviews (15)
I love it a lot I reading the book and I love it I watched the move amazing best book ever!!!!!!!!!!
This book is just like the movie and I love it!😍mal is getting A lot of pressure about being the perfect villain.and Ben is going to be the Prince so he gets to do whatever he wants so he invited 4 or the villains kids,so the villains ( like malifacent) tell the villain kids to steal the wand from the nice people .and A lot of other things happen .but not like the movie it's mals point of view.and it's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good!I recommend to all ages and I rate this book 4/5 stars 😁 😁 Pizzagirl7 😁 😁
I give it 5 stars
It's the best book ever, so far! I totally recommend! I LOVE DISNEY DESCENDANTS! I have every single DISNEY DESENCENDANTS book possible. My favourite characters are MAL AND CARLOS, but mostly MAL!
This book is TOATS amazing like ya! I wish I had magic it's so amazing what you can do with it. And I think everyone is good no matter how small there love is! It's somewhere deep inside that body :) HOPEYOU ENJOYS THE BOOK ITS AWESOME
I think all is best and Mal so saved the world! They all did! And Ben is just SOOO kind and nice. I am glad he is king now. Also what's ya favorite character in the WHOLE story?... Mine is.......Mal's team, Ben, oh and DUDE!!!!
I love this book
I want to read this book because well I like Evie better than mal because she is so cool I love her skirt .
No way Mal is soo much better than Evie
I am the world’s biggest mal fan!! I totally agree
I want to read this!
I decided to read this because I loved the movie 'Descendants'. It's good, but it has spoilers to the movie...