Video Of The Week - Chinese Artist Lights Up The Skies With 500-Meter Fireworks Ladder

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Photo Credit: YouTube screen capture

In the wee hours of June 15, the audience gathered at the Huily Island Harbour in Quanzhou,China, watched in awe as a giant balloon filled with 6,200 cubic meters of helium slowly made its way up. Attached to it was a 500-meter (1,640-feet) wire ladder. This of course, was no ordinary ladder but an art installation created by Chinese artist Cai Guo-Qiang.

Called "Sky Ladder," it was coated with gunpowder and gold fireworks, that provided a spectacular show when ignited by the artist who is known for his ambitious pyrotechnic artworks.

Photo Credit: YouTube screen capture

While the show that lasted 2 minutes and 30 seconds was perfect, it has taken the artist four tries and 21 years to fulfill his childhood dream. Guo-Qiang's first attempt in Bath, UK, in 1994 had to be abandoned due to high winds. In 2001, his permission to light up the skies of Shanghai was rescinded due to limited aerial access following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. in New York City. His third attempt in Los Angeles three years ago, met with a similar fate thanks to the city's wildfires.

Not one to give up, the artist planned the latest attempt in his hometown to celebrate his grandmother's 100th birthday. Sure enough, fourth time was the charm!,,

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  • Kiaraabout 9 years
    This will make a awsome school report
    • undertakerabout 9 years
      • what are thoseover 9 years
        that is sooooooooooooo cool a could even go to the moon
        • jiuuuover 9 years
          • Anonymousover 9 years
            That is amazing
            • Anonymousover 9 years
              That is amazing
              • Undertakerover 9 years
                • actoraweso
                  actorawesoover 9 years
                  be carefull what you wish for???
                  • actoraweso
                    actorawesoover 9 years
                    you cant walk on a staircase to heaven because nobody would ever walk on a staircase that is on fire ever in life...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    • actoraweso
                      actorawesoover 9 years
                      this cant be real and you have to prove its real to me aawweessoommee!!