Endangered Orca Whale Pod Welcomes First Newborn In Two Years

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Though the sight of a baby whale is always welcome, the report of a newborn in the group of orcas that scientists call the J-Pod, is particularly exciting. That's because, this batch which is part of the 77-member Southern Resident Killer Whale group (SRKW) that reside off the coast of the state of Washington and British Columbia, has been on the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service's endangered list since 2005.

The baby that has been named J-50 was first sighted around Puget Sound, a large Pacific Ocean inlet along the northwestern coast of Washington on December 30th, 2014. It was seen again on January 6th, frolicking happily on its belly, off the coast of Vancouver. This time around the researchers managed to get a closer look, which helped them determine that the newborn who they estimated to be eight days old, was a female. That information was particularly heartening to the team that is still reeling from the loss of pod member J-32, a 19 year-old female that died in the Strait of Georgia from a bacterial infection, in early December 2014.

The one thing researchers are not sure of yet, is who the newborn's mother is. According to Ken Balcomb, the scientist who first spotted J-50, she was swimming alongside 43-year-old J-16, also known as Slick. However, the researchers think that the female orca who has three other calves is too old to produce an offspring. They therefore speculate that she may have been babysitting the infant for her daughter, J-36, something orcas are known to do frequently.

Though an up close examination of J-50 would help solve the mystery, the researchers have been unable to do so because since the newborn's birth, the pod has been hanging out in the Strait of Georgia that is known for its hostile weather. The scientists plan to venture closer to the whales for a thorough examination of the baby, once they move to calmer waters.

The Southern Resident Killer Whale group (SRKW) has been tethering on the brink of extinction since the last fifty years. The pod's woes began in the late 1960's and early 1970's when more than half of the population (about 40 of them) were taken for captive display - that is to be showcased in marine parks all across the US. Under the watchful eyes of the scientists, the population rebounded to over a hundred whales by the 1990's.

However since the early 2000's, the numbers have started to drop drastically. Researchers speculate the whales may be dying from starvation thanks to the dwindling supply of their primary source of food - the Chinook salmon in Puget Sound. Though plans to reverse the situation are underway it will take some time before the salmon can be fully restored. Meanwhile, they are hopeful that SRKW will learn to adapt to the situation by seeking out other prey.

Orca or killer whales as they are often called, are the largest member of the oceanic dolphin family. As their nickname indicates, they are vicious hunters that use their sharp 4-inch long teeth to take down other large mammals like seals and sea lions. However, they rarely harm humans. The whales that have a lifespan of 50-80 years in the wild, hunt in family groups of 40 or more.

Scientists believe that are two kinds of pods - resident and transient. The former, which appears to be what SRKW is, depend on fish as their primary food source, while the latter, target marine mammals. Easily recognizable by their distinctive black and white coloring, orcas are extremely intelligent animals, which is the reason they are so coveted by marine parks all over the world. Though largely found near cool coastal waters, pods of the majestic mammals have been seen all the way from the warm waters along the equator to the freezing polar regions.

Resources: Nationalgeographic.com, Seattletimes.com,livescience.com

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  • awsome saucealmost 9 years
    I agree with superstar.I just wanted to tell super star that if the orcas mother did die then the pod would take over and care for it.I would be really sad though i man imagine a poor inacent dolphin dying.Or worse the baby.I really hate the food chain some times.I wish e didnt have to live off food it would be so easyer becau the food chain just makes it so that it all comes down to one species is left then that spieces dies because there food is gone.Enless they startedeating eachother but that wouldnrt work either beause then there would only be one of that kind and it would die because it had no food.... Now im upset.why does it have to be so unfair... I need to calm down.sorry i just get angry because i really love animls.
    • awsome saucealmost 9 years
      hey radman, They arnt doing anything.Why are saying let them live.They are just video taping them and sharing the news with us.I mean this could save there species if there endangered whitch it said they were so why are you saying that.
      • Dolphin Girl 25almost 9 years
        OMG!!! So cute!!!;) Love it so much!!!
        • Alien Man 45almost 9 years
          Get J-50 to da CHOPPER!!
          • Candy Girl almost 9 years
            • lisaalmost 9 years
              • lisaalmost 9 years
                • Erikaabout 9 years
                  there amazingly beautiful <3
                  • Anonymousabout 9 years
                    • radmanabout 9 years
                      there living animals. Let them live