Need Help Cleaning Your Room? - Get A Robot!

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When Mitsubishi (the company that makes the robots), was looking to hire out its Wakamaru robot earlier this year, they had no doubt it would find a job immediately. They were right, not one but ten of its Wakamaru robots were instantly employed by a temporary staffing agency in Japan.

The robot is approximately 3ft tall and weighs about 66 lbs. It was developed in 2003 to help with a range of household chores (moms are you reading this!). It was introduced to the world in 2005 and since then has become one of Japan's most recognizable robots.

The bright yellow robot which moves around on wheels, can recognize faces, carry on simple conversations - it knows about 10,000 words, and perform simple tasks. The temporary agency expects to send it as receptionists to companies and hospitals. For that job the robot has two unique skills, it can thank visitors for waiting and can sing songs while showing the visitors to their destination within the building.

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The Wakamura robot can earn as much as $1,000 per day, but if it is hired on a long-term basis, its pay goes down substantially to about $25,000 a year. The best thing about the robot - it never complains about the job!

The video below is in Japanese, so we have no idea what the robot is saying, but it seems like it is performing some sort of a dance routine. Enjoy

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  • jazmine2008
    jazmine2008almost 4 years
    uhhhhhhhh no thank you i'm good on my room. but thanks for the offer.
    • wolfy_blue
      wolfy_bluealmost 4 years
      Not worth it, it's to expensive.
      • kiki16
        kiki16almost 4 years
        It can help clean your room!!!!!
        • KB 200over 5 years
          How will it help me clean my room ?
          • KB 200over 5 years
            the robot can move its arms in different places. And in the video he is not speaking English.
            • tmr1
              tmr1over 5 years
              It can help lean your room.
              • samuelover 5 years
                This robot can make 1,000 dollars every year. It doesn't complain about it's job.
                • marelyalmost 6 years
                  i need one
                  • marelyalmost 6 years
                    i want to make something simular
                    • hey girlalmost 6 years
                      that looks cool